Hotel Taschenbergpalais - en perle!

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Nylig ble Hotel Taschenbergpalais i Tyskland kåret til Nord-Europas beste hotell. Og denne uken skriver VG at hotellet kan besøkes til en rimelig penge.
Kostnadene ligger på 1600,- NOK per natt, noe som ikke er verst i forhold til standard og gjestfrihet. Kvalitet til en rimelig penge er noe som kan beskrive det tyske femstjernershotellet.

På hotellet kan du slappe av i lobbyen, spille bordtennis, dra på spa eller hudrensebehandling eller rett og slett kose deg på et av de mange flotte rommene.

For å bestille kan du besøke hotellets hjemmeside:

God tur til Dresden!
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Thailand til en rimelig penge

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Dersom du har tenkt deg til Thailand i den nærmeste tiden forteller VG oss at du kan spare penger på å finne frem til de virkelig lave billettprisene. En nedgang på rundt 5 % i billettprisene til Asia er grunnet finanskrise og politisk ustabilitet.
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Flymannskap som skal ta seg en bolle

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Et helt flymannskap klarte å kjøre 24 mil forbi sitt egentlige landingssted da 147 passasjerer skulle fraktes fra California til Minnesota i USA. Flykapteinen hevder at mannskapet var for opptatt med å diskutere flyselskapets politikk at de helt glemte tiden. Vel, jeg har hørt mange dårlige bortforklaringer i mitt liv, men denne står vel høyt. Dersom et mannskap på 5-6 mann "glemmer" å lande et fly, så er det noe alvorlig galt.

Vi får bare håpe at passasjerene ikke fikk annet enn en advarsel på hva som kan skje dersom noen sovner bak spakene... :-)

Les mer om saken på VG.

Og her er en annen link.
Samt her!
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Gave fra Lufthansa - bestill nå!


I lys av en feil i systemet til Lufthansa, blir det nå lagt ut billige billetter til de som er kjapt ute med å bestille hos selskapet Lufthansa. Du får ikke refundert billetten, men dermed får du et gavekort på rundt 700 kroner som må benyttes hos Lufthansas leverandører.

"Jeg har jobbet i selskapet i ti år, og aldri hørt om noe lignende. Det er helt vilt", var kommentaren fra kommunikasjonsrådgiveren i Lufthansa. Noe vi i World's best party places skjønner svært godt.

Det er altså ikke mulig å opprette noe røverkjøp for øyeblikket, men dersom systemet skulle kræsje igjen, så er det bare å være på vakt for reiser til partydestinasjoner til rundt 100-lappen!

Les mer om saken her.
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Medienes stigmatisering av Ayia Napa?

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Hvert eneste år før fellesferien tar tak, så kommer disse medieoppslagene om de "forferdelige sexorgiene" som foregår nede i Sør-Europa (les: Magaluf,Ibiza,Hersonissos,Kos,Ayia Napa m.fl)

Hvert år står også det samme oppgulpet, om at det er helt texas, folk blir dopet ned,voldtatt, alle har sex med hverandre,gutter som jenter,eldre som unge, det er liksom ikke måte på.

Foreldre må ikke finne på å sende ungene sine nedover der - dop over alt, du blir tvunget til sexleker,alle går rundt ravende fulle døgnet rundt, ja det er livsfarlig!

Hele dette opplegget er patetisk fra VG,Dagbladet og Aftonbladet.

Ene fotografen til Aftonbladet hadde fått skikkelig grisejuling av noen lokale gorillaer der nede. Jeg skjønner de godt faktisk, slik media her hjemme stigmatiserer slike feriemål. Garantert at overbeskyttende foreldre her hjemme har knust en ungdoms store feriedrøm, etter å ha lest slike artikler.

Jeg var der nede i fjor i nesten 1 mnd (Ayia Napa) å opplevde aldri noe tull. Det er ingen som tvinger deg til noe som helst. Klart du slipper deg mer løs når du er på ferie å det ikke er noen å drite seg ut for. Alle gir mer faen, enten du er i Tyskland,England,Sverige eller på en camping på Møre.

Måtte bare få det ut...hehe

- La oss gla'folk for leve livet i paradis som Ayia Napa!
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Ayia Napa til en billig penge?

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Denne artikkelen fra VG skriver at man nå kan komme seg til Ayia Napa og andre partydestinasjoner veldig billig dersom man leter på de rette stedene. Det avhenger selvfølgelig at man ikke drar under de mest utsatte tidene på året, og at man kanskje ikke velger det beste hotellet?
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The five best hotels in Ayia Napa

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Now you can read about the five best hotels in the party capital of Ayia Napa, Cyprus. You can just go to this link for the whole list:

In the test of which hotel in Ayia Napa that is the best, the following things have been thought trough:
- Costs (free drinks, breakfast?)
- Where the hotel is in the party capital? Is there near place to Grabbarna Grus for example?
- Is there only old people on the hotel? (please, NO!)
- Any MILFs?

And the list goes on! To just have said it; THE BEST HOTEL IN AYIA NAPA IS .... or ... whatever. Just check the list! Here's the link.
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Adams beach hotel - the best in Ayia Napa!

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Adam Beach Hotel is a large, modern blocks situated on the sandy beaches of Nissi Bay, just 3 km from the center of Ayia Napa.

The hotel is full of pleasant surprises. At first glance it is not something that makes you believe that the hotel has a luxurious interior. The rooms have private balconies that provide stunning ocean views through French glass doors. All rooms have modern amenities such as bathrooms and air conditioning, hair dryer and refrigerator.

Adam Beach Hotel is located near both the Nissi Beach and Grecian Bay Beach. Nearby, guests can find the Thalassa Museum and an archaeological site, which both are located 3 km away. Ayia Napa monastery and a picturesque fishing port is located a short drive from the hotel.

Adam Beach Hotel in Ayia Napa contains 296 rooms.

What do you find in Ayia Napas best hotel?

Restaurant, Bar, 24/7Front Desk, Garden, Terrace, Non-Smoking Rooms, Rooms / Facilities for Disabled, Elevator, Safety Deposit Box, Chapel / Shrine, Heating, Luggage Storage, Shops in Hotel, Airconditioning.

Visit PARTYDESTINATIONS.BLOGSPOT.COM for more information about your vacation!
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Want to know more about Ayia Napa?

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At this blog , you will find great things about Ayia Napa! But we also recommend this site:

They write at their site:
"Welcome to "World's best party places". At this site you can read about any party destination in the world and make a decision with the guys or girls wether you are travelling to Magaluf, Agia Napa or Hersonissos. If you got any questions you don't get the answer to trough "World's best party places""

So, if you want to know more about Ayia Napa 2010, feel free to visit PARTYDESTINATIONS.BLOGSPOT.COM !
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The media hates Ayia Napa

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Every year before the summer holiday grabs, so get these media stories about the "terrible sexorgie" going down in Southern Europe (read: Magaluf, Ibiza, Hersonissos, Kos, Ayia Napa and more)

Each year is also the same regurgitation, that it is entirely texas, people are being drugged down, raped, all have sex with each other, boys like girls, as young people mature, it's like no way on.

Parents must not think of sending their children down there - drugs everywhere, you are forced to sex games, all walking around staggering drunk around the clock, yes it is dangerous!

All of this scheme is pathetic from VG, Dagbladet and Aftonbladet.

One photographer to Aftonbladet had received proper pig beating of some local gorillas down there. I see the good in fact, as the media here at home stigmatize these destinations. Guaranteed that overprotective parents at home has broken a teen dream big holiday, after reading those articles.

I was down there last year for nearly 1 month (Ayia Napa) to never experienced any nonsense. There is no one forcing you to anything. Sure you do not need you more loose when you are on vacation to no to crap out for. All provide more hell, whether you are in Germany, England, Sweden or in a camp in More.

I just had to get it out ... hehe
- Let us good people for living life in paradise, Ayia Napa 2010!
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Party city Ayia Napa!

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I was there many years ago, party city Ayia Napa I would say. The beach is probably so-so, but you sleep well on the day .... (no, it is OK it). Try "Slingshot", it was an experience I late forget. You sit in a kind of basket and thrown 100 feet into the air while experiencing up to 6g in acceleration ..... The way it works is that it tightens up the steel wave pure holding basket with springs, and when the pressure is maximum, release the pressure and you thrown in the air. They have cameras in the basket so you will be shot, cool and look at afterwards. Not so expensive to buy a tape to carry with you in Ayia Napa....
You can take a lot of great pictures from the nightlife, the beaches and the other party people in Ayia Napa!

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Don't go to Bulgary - choose Ayia Napa 2010!

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DO NOT go to Bulgaria!
Fair enough, it is absolutely sick much partying down there and you can have fun, but you should know the following:

-Local people are the worst I've ever seen. They are ONLY looking for money.
-Mafian control everything down there, so get some problems then you're badly off, and do not say you do not get in trouble, because it is actually incredibly easy.
-The food consists of shit. We were 12 people that went down, and I was the only one that was not food poisoning. The food is packed with bacteria and other muck.
-The police are corrupt, actually it is not the police even when you think about it.
-The place is packed by cheating chicks.
-The place is flooded by drugs and other bull.
-Any attempt to defraud you of money.
Mini Banks are stuffed with "skimmers"

I hope you realize that a trip to Bulgaria is no news, but by all means, if you want, then go.

Instead, you can really visit Ayia Napa in 2010 without any concerns! Here's a video from Ayia Napa, Cyprus:

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Welcome to Ayia Napa 2010

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This is a blog about the things that are going to happen in the party capital of Ayia Napa in 2010!
Ayia Napa 2010 is the official site for those of you that are going to Ayia Napa (or agia napa, Cyprus) in the summer or winter in 2010. Please feel free to ask questions!
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