Hottest girls in the world: 6-10

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We have earlier mentioned that we think Spanish, Argentinian, Latvian and Russian girls are the hottest in the world. In addition to Sweden of course - the winner that never will fall of the throne.

However, we thought that we wanted to make a list over the "second best" ones as well.

10. Canada

 Women from Canada gets praised in the award - Canadians are a warm and welcome peoples. The country is on a par with southern neighbor a melting pot of people from all over the world, and that is precisely what they are noted for. A plethora of extremely beautiful women of different ethnicities get is a tenth place in the ranking.
9. Netherlands

 The long-legged, blonde and tall women in the Netherlands comes at a good ninth place. Good humor and a relaxed attitude to life taken as generally good qualities.

8. Denmark

 The Danish women have previously topped some of the beauty contests and is obviously included in the list this year as well - blonde, blue-eyed and happy as they are.

7. Colombia

 Although there are neighboring Venezuela usually wins Miss World and Miss Universe, then Colombia boasts some of the world's finest women. They are simply a little more sexy than its neighbor, it is stated in the award.

6. South Korea

 Women from South Korea beats out all its sister countries in Asia. The country's fashion and music industry boulevards filled with beautiful women.

If you haven´t been to these countries and partied: it´s about time. We can really recommend both Seoul and Amsterdam as good party destinations you would simply love.
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